Saturday, March 1, 2008


Mom's bone marrow biopsy results came back and they couldn't find any leukemia! Praise the Lord! Also, the results of her colonoscopy showed that she had colitis (inflammation of the colon) as well as an ulcerated colon. They took a biopsy on the colitis and we are awaiting results of that (hopefully will receive on Monday).

Good News Report: The doctors were so excited to share the news of the bone marrow biopsy with mom. They couldn't see any leukemia in the bone marrow (not to say that there couldn't be any, but it is still great news!). They can't call it remission yet until further screening is done, but what they did see means that she won't need any more chemo as of now. Phew! Also, her bleeding has stopped which is amazing! So right now their focus is to get mom strong and as healthy as they can.

She has been doing so well that they just moved her out of ICU into the Oncology Unit on the 5th Floor. She is in great spirits and is enjoying having her family close by. We're trying to make her stop being so social so she can get some rest, but you know her...that's hard to do!

On Day 28 they will be doing another bone marrow biopsy to see if they find any leukemia. So until then, we as a family are just thanking the Lord for today and rejoicing in life!

Blessings & Love to you all!

Lindsay & the entire Beall Gang


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! Isn't He good? I was unable to sleep last night and was up praying for you Pam and God's healing touch. I thank God that you have such strong, faith filled kids. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I look forward to reading many more positive posts on your recovery.
Kasie (Scales) Pranghofer

Anonymous said...

Dear Pam and Family,

What great news! You are one strong cookie, Pam! ...and now you're going to make some more new friends on the 5th floor and send your beautiful laughter down those halls. Don't forget to rest a little, though (my mother voice speaking).

Much love,
George and Denie

Anonymous said...

Pamela Sue,

You're living proof of the power of prayer. Wow! What an amazing testimony. You certainly have many prayer warriors on your behalf.

We were really happy to know that most of your family is with you. We're with you all the way too!

Have a good day, Fred and Janet

Anonymous said...

PRAISE GOD!!!! Such good news. We love you all.
The Froes

Anonymous said...

Hello Pam & Family
What an awesome answer to prayer!! God is SO good!! You now have more people to bless with your caring spirit on the 5th floor. By the time you leave there, that hospital will never be the same!! I will continue to lift you and your family up in prayer. There are a team of mighty prayer warriors praying daily for you. Looking forward to having you come back to our church and blessing us with your presence.

Anonymous said...

The tears streaming down my cheeks...are tears of utter joy! Our God is a mighty God and I'm so thankful for every moment He's been watching over you. What wonderful... wonderful news!
I just returned from an amazing womens retreat with Shana at Cannon Beach.Please know how much you were in our hearts and minds. We hope you and Lindsey (Hilary too of course)would join us next year!
Love you,

Anonymous said...

Hi again Pam,
What great news! We all love you so much and hearing that you have no more leukemia is bringing tears of joys to our family. I hope you are getting my emails. I care so much about you. I always have. REST, REST REST!!! Much love, Terry Mattson

Anonymous said...

We are so pleased for you and all you Bealls! Pam, from coast to coast our family has been sending you our love and prayers. We celebrate with all of you this good news and look forward ot more to come.
Once I get over this nasty flu, i'll be there to hug you in person and hear your laugh!
love you, marci, et al

Unknown said...

Dearest Pam and your family,

What great news!!! The power of prayer is amazing. I had trouble figuring out how to respond...but with Phyl's help, here I am. I have been following your process and my heart has been with you! Your strength is an inspiration, for sure. Please take is your turn to let others take care of you!
Lot of love,
Karen Nelson

Shana said...

So good to hear of the WONDERFUL news. I hope your ears were burning this weekend. My mom and I were together with 200+ woman at the RHCC retreat and you were talk about a lot!!! You are in my thoughts and prayers, Pam. May you continue to fight the good fight and enjoy your kids being home!!
with love,
Shana J.

Anonymous said...

Hooray!!! I was just thrilled with the good news. I give the Lord praise for His provisions for you. I couldn't stop smiling all day:). I was very excited to see Sean and Courtney at church and hear the optimism in his voice. It was fun to congratulate them and know that relationship, too, is a gift for Sean and your family. I pray for strength as your body continues to heal. I am sure having all of your kids around this weekend was so wonderful for you. You are so blessed! Love to you, my friend! Caron

Unknown said...

We are all so happy for the good news. Bob and I have had you in our prayers daily. Thanks so much for letting me know what was going on. I have now read my first blog and learned that I have to bypass Google Search and use the Internet to do it. God bless you and every one of your family members. ginger

Anonymous said...

Dear Pam and Co.
So thankful for this very good news! What deep joy to read these test results for all of us out here in blog land! So looking forward to seeing you soon dear friend.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam,
What great news. Sorry we have not been on here sooner. Sarah gave us the blog. we are praying for you daily. I know you are fighting 100%. we hope to see you very soon. Marcus listens to baby wee sign every night from aunt pam. thank you! you are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.we love you, katie, josh, and marcus

Unknown said...

Wonderful news, Pam and family! Way to go Pam! And what fabulous support from everyone! Continued best wishes ... our hearts are with you.

The Poulshocks

Anonymous said...

Pammy Baby,
This is great news! Ive been thinking about you and the fam and even doing a little prayin for ya too. You are one incredible woman.

Good work on the blog, Lindsay Sue.


Ashley Steelman/Stone

Anonymous said...

Our hearts sing with joy at this fantastic news. Praise the Lord, God is good. Now please rest and receive His strength and healing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam,
I just heard via Jean, via Helen, that you're not feeling so well. Unfortunately, I've heard this is part of the ugly process, but I'm so sorry you're having to go through it.

I'm thinking of you.
Love, Denie

Anonymous said...

Hey mom. How are you feeling this morning? Praying for you…Love you.
-Kyle, Wendy, and Olive

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam,
My name is Kelli and I'm in Cindy's Bible study. I just wanted to let you know I'm praying for you and your family during this time. I'm so encouraged by your faith. I also saw you sing in December and what a blessing that was for me. Thank you for doing that. God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

Dear Pam,
I think of you daily...and I really appreciate Lindseys updates on your progress. I pray you are feeling better with each day and able to eat and nourish your body.
I also hope you are listening to your music and letting it help you heal!
I'm sure seeing Hilary, Ragnar and kids was very special for you.
Phil 4:6 His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.
Love you lots,