Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 15: Change of Scenery

Dearest friendlings,

Yesterday was a wild day. Good news is that the doctors decided to do mom's bone marrow biopsy yesterday at 3pm so that we wouldn't have to wait through the weekend to find out the results. So, we will be getting the preliminary results back sometime this afternoon. Don't you worry, I will post another blog as soon as we find out anything. ;)

Sorry for the semi-graphic description to come...All day yesterday mom's bowel movements were pure blood and no stool. Not good. She had 3 bowel movements like this before things took a turn. Her blood pressure plummeted to 70/? and she was very weak and light-headed from the blood loss. They called in a rescue team immediately and there were probably 5-6 people frantically connecting her to a heart monitor and other various machines. They instantly gave her a platelette as well as a blood transfusion to up her counts. This helped but it didn't stop the bleeding. They wheeled her over to ICU, which is where we are currently. Goodbye Floor 7, Room 7....we will miss you! Seriously, that nurse staff became like family to us...and I know that floor won't be the same without our social & vibrant Pammy Sue, that's for sure.

Throughout the night it seemed as if she was losing more blood than they were able to pump in, but this morning her counts are looking good. They have 5 TEAMS of doctors on her case because they are unsure what could be causing this bleeding. It could be an infection in her colon that is causing it to be inflamed or it could just be a severe side-effect from the chemo treatment. So, she is getting a delightful colonoscopy procedure done this morning at 10am, we are told. The G.I. doc (gastro-intenstinal) said that she will know immediately what is causing this bleeding as soon as they are able to get a camera visual. So, that's good news.

So, needless to say, last night was the roughest night she's had in the hospital, that's for sure. Please be praying for the results of the colonoscopy as well as the results from her biopsy. We are hoping and praying that this is all treatable and that this crazy night was just a minor & temporary bump in the road.

She was conscious and aware through it all (though a wee bit loopy, which caused much laughter). Here is a little story for you all just to describe the kind of woman my mom is (which I am sure you already know...). When the team of doctors and nurses were frantically buzzing around her and hooking her to machines, my mom tenderly grabbed the arm of one of the nurses who had been on leave for a few days and said, "Honey, I am so sorry about your dog." My mom had remembered that this nurse's dog had just recently died and was concerned about her. The nurses were shocked that she was thinking about somebody else in the midst of all she was going through. Pamela Sue, a giver of love and life.....if I am half the woman that she is I will be more than satisfied.

I will let you know as soon as we get the results back from the biopsy as well as the colonoscopy. My Aunt Cindy & cousins Rosalie & Jens came in from Corvallis last night. Kyle & Wendy are coming in tonight from Bend and Hilary will be flying in from California tonight. Looking forward to our whole family being together during this time. Thanking you for your prayers.

Loving you all,


Anonymous said...

You're amazing Pam!
We're praying for quick answers and a healthy recovery. We are so touched by your families support...what a crowd to have around you!
Much love and even MORE prayers!
Sydney & Tom

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lindsey for keeping us all up to date. You're great! Sorry for the rough night and my prayers are for God's miraculous healing. Pam, I put you on our churches prayer chain and all the girls at work are keeping you lifted up. We are praying & thinking of you and your family daily.
Susan Vineyard-Bennett

Anonymous said...

Dear Dear Pam -
I picture the likes of the "Verizon
Network" caring and praying for you as you move through this oh so
difficult treatment. You will have
a story to tell!

We love you and are praying for you always-

Also - Lindsay - thank you so much for the updates - you are tremendously APPRECIATED.

Our love - the whole Lewis family

Anonymous said...

Loving you. Will write again soon.
Thanks Linds for you blog help.
Praying for you alot.

Anonymous said...


I love that your sense of humor is still in play even though your circumstances are so very difficult. God's love is flowing out to so many people through Lindsay's blog and the huge network of people who love you and are praying for you. I know today is going to be difficult, and I pray that you will be strengthened and lifted up by the Holy Spirit as you submit to all the tests. Know that we love you!!
Brian and Caron


Dear Pam, Lindsay, and Family,

Just got goosebumps reading the latest journal entry! I am sorry for the tough night... Pam, you are a fighter! Keep up that positive spirit and know that God is lifting you up and walking beside you. I am right on your left shoulder. Glad to hear that the whole family will be together tonight. The prayers are coming fast and furiously from Atlanta today. Anxiously waiting for the next entry. Thanks, Lindsay, for the great information. You daughters are the best!! With love, hugs, smiles, and hope, Phyl Sillers (I love you, Pammy Sue)

Ragnar said...

Mammy Pammy,
Praying you are recovering from this experience swiftly!!!! Just remember- this too shall pass!!!!!
Someone reminded me the other day that a valley makes for fertile soil...when planting for a harvest it is never done on the mountaintops, it is done in the valley. Well as you walk through this valley scatter your seeds and let the Lord scatter His. We are looking forward to the harvest. Meanwhile I am sending my best specialist over there tonight.
Much love.

Carrie Kisling said...

Auntie Pammie,

We will be coming to visit you this weekend. Or at least to be with the fam. Praying for you and loving you all.

Anonymous said...

Pam - My heart, thoughts and prayers are right there with you today. How great that all of your kids will be there this weekend. I'm sure that's one of your favorite times. I so appreciate Lyndsay's updates! You're on my mind so much of each day. Thanks, Lyndsay. Love and continued strength and blessings, Pam. -marianne

Anonymous said...

Pamela Sue,

You rock girl! Never have I known such an amazing woman--thinking about someone else in the midst of total chaos in your life. Lindsay might pray that she's half the woman you are - man, I'd settle for 10%. My family is praying and praying for you, PS. So glad to hear that your entire family will be there with you this weekend.

God bless you all.

Janet O

Kathy said...

Lindsay, I am Dave Anderson's sister, Kathy. I have been staying updated on your mom through the blog. Please know that we are praying for her. I posted a link to her from our blog, and a friend of mine is taking her story to his Mission Moment for his cancer support triathlon team this week. That is a team of 140 runners who will be lifting her up in prayer. God works in awesome ways. We are praying for peace, strength and complete healing for your mom. Tell her that I remember to pray for her when I play Wee Sing for my kids in the van. Take care, Lindsay. Your relationship with your mother reminds me of me and my mom... I think that makes it even closer to my heart to remember to pray (we love Anne of Green Gables too!). God bless the Beall family.
Love and prayers,
Kathy Fields

Anonymous said...

good Morning Pam,

I agree, you are amazing!! but knowing your neices and sister, amazing seems to run in your family. Praise God your bleeding has stopped and no leukemia in your bone marrow!!! What an awesome answer to prayer. I will continue to lift you and your family's arms in prayer. Am looking forward to you coming back and singing for our ladies again!!
Cindy, Heather,Rory, Lindsey, Rosalie & Jens you are also in my prayer. Love yu all

Anonymous said...

Dear Pam and Beall Family,
You are once again in our thoughts and prayers as you stumble through yet another "pot hole" on the road to your recovery. You're in excellent hands right now at OHSU, and we anxiously await Lindsay's next update.
Much love,
George and Denie

Jerry B said...

We are praying for you! Brenda, me and the church. Praying for your strength, healing and wisdom for the doctors. For your peace and for your family.
Megan is praying too. Ryan always asks about you, too.
You are in our thoughts and prayers
Love you
Jerry and Brenda

Anonymous said...

What a privilege to carry...every thing to God in prayer!

Hey Sister! Thinking of you and how precious your family is to me. So many times your name pops up and I get to shoot a prayer to our God who is ever mindful of every detail. It is a privilege to take your name to the throne room. What glorious things He has planned, far reaching into hearts you don't even know that well, planned for good and hope and peace. Thank you for allowing us to hang out beside you in prayer!

Noel and Joe Elliot