Saturday, February 16, 2008

OHSU, Fight Fight Fight!

Well, we are finally here at OHSU (Oregon Health Science University). After a long day waiting around the hospital for mom's bed to open up she finally got settled in her new "condo", where she will be residing for the next month.

She arrived at the hospital at 8am yesterday morning (February 15th) to get some testing done. She had a Mugascan (which determines the strength of the heart before undergoing chemotherapy) and then she got a Pick line inserted into her upper left arm (where she will be receiving her chemo treatment). My dad keeps telling people that she got mugged and picked. Yeah, another one that he is still laughing at. ;) So, after her tests were done at 10am she waited at the hospital until 6:30pm before getting into her room! Don't you worry, we took a lot of tram rides and played a lot of cards. She is now settled in her new abode and ready for this crazy journey.

Today at 5pm she started her chemo treatment. She will be receiving her "chemo drip" 24 hours a day for the next 7 days. Good news is that she can have visitors at all times. So, if you are planning on visiting give a call to the hospital (she is in the Oncology department in the main hospital - 7th floor, Room 7) or call my dad's cell phone (503)312.6940 to see if she is feeling up for visitors. FYI - she cannot have live flowers or plants in her room so you can save your cashola and write her a nice card instead.

She meets with her doctor on Monday so we will update you as soon as we know more. Again, thanks for your sweet words of encouragement and prayers - we love you all and are so thankful for you!

Lindsay & the entire Beall fam


Annie Schilperoort Photography said...

Thanks for the update. I've been wondering how everything is going this weekend. We are praying for you guys and send our love! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Ok Pam, were off to the races with the chemo. Your job is just to do the best you can with what you've got to work with. One thing to remember, the Docs have lots of stuff to pick from to treat you. They've picked what they think is the best, so you give it your best shot but don't be alarmed if they say its time to try something else. I'm living proof that you just do the best you can, day by day, and be ready to roll with the punches. And I know from our talk the other day that you've got what it takes for this battle. I'm with you in prayer.
-Charlie T.

Anonymous said...

Since Lindsay hasn't taught me yet how to update the blog, I will comment on her last update and add an additional thing or two. I don't have a sense of humor like Lindsay and her Dad, but I love to laugh and where would humor be if there weren't those to laugh at it?

It's midnight and I'm waiting for the nurse to finish taking more blood. The chemo is flowing into one tube and the saline solution into another. So, here we go! So far, things haven't been bad. I have a nice room to myself, a nice view out my window, a wonderful team of doctors and nurses who are specialists at what they do, and friends and family that are a HUGE support! I get a huge lift from hearing from all of you and someday I hope to respond to each and every one of you, thanking you for your thoughts, prayers, and uplifting words.

I realize that each day from here on out will be more and more difficult, but I will face it as it comes. I am not looking forward to losing my hair. Maybe after so many years of being so vain about my hair, God will be teaching me a lesson through this:) I brought some cute hats, a turban or two, and picked out a wig for when I get out of the hospital. Perhaps when God has truly humbled me, I will send you all a picture of the new me.

Thanks again for caring. I am honored and humbled and promise to write you a note periodically, depending on how I feel. Keep watching for Lindsay's updates. (Thanks my precious Lindsay).

Love you all,


Anonymous said...

Thanks Lindsay for the update! And for your words Pam! I've been checking a couple of times a day. It just hit me ---- you are on floor 7 and in room 7. What is it Christians say? Isn't the number 7 a divine symbol of some kind? Don't some say 7 is the perfect number?:) I'm so glad to hear you are in a suite and can have visitors and can play cards etc. You can not imagine how I wish I could pop in for a bit! I think I'll ask God some day about the timing of this shingles thing. There must be a good reason, one part of his plan. I just don't get it. Well my trooper of a sister, you cannot know how much I admire you for your faith, your attitude, your love for family and friends, and your strength!!!! 'Wonder how I'd do if it were me.
Loving you,
Your adoring sister

Anonymous said...

Pam, We are thinking about you every single day and sending positive thoughts your way. Your strength is inspiring. Thank you for the updates, we check the blog daily. Much love, Devin and Debra

Anonymous said...


It is so good to hear your voice on this blog! I check the blog every day, if not several times a day, to see how you're doing. And I'm so glad you can have visitors! We'll connect with Ron to see how you're doing before we come by.

You are in our thoughts and prayers all the time, every day -- much love to you,

Susan and Mike

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam and all,

Bob and I are currently with brian and his family and my parents. Jennifer and Matt just left. We are all thinking of you and each of us talked about funny and favorite memories we have of our families. We send you our love and prayers and hugs.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Pam. Thinking of you and saying prayers constantly. It's so nice to have this blog and hear your voice. Yes, I know the vanity thing about the hair. Remember when you helped me wash mine the day I broke my leg? That was SO long ago, but seems like yeasterday. Anyway, you will look adorable in your hats!!
"OHSU Fight Fight Fight!" Remember we are all on your cheering squad.
Love from your long time friend,

Shana said...

Hi Pam...I heard from my mom today after she came to see you. She said you looked great. I hope the next time I am in town we can play a couple hands of Gin Rumi. Always praying and loving you each day. Keep up the good fight.
Shana Jabusch

Simona said...

What a blessing to take care of such a mighty woman of God. I prayed over you at midnight when I drew you blood and I know God will be faithful to all His promises. This is the word God has for you. Be encouraged and may the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding continue to fill your heart and soul throughout this process.....always Simona Night Nurse 7CAO

The Lord Is Thy Keeper
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help [cometh] from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord [is] thy keeper: the Lord [is] thy shade upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth,
and even for evermore.

- Psalms 121: 1-8

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam,
I'm with you daily in thought and prayer. My faith has been strengthened by watching you humbly go before the Lord with what has been put before you.
I love this blog! Thanks Lindsay!

Anonymous said...

Dear Pam,
We just wanted you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Jane and Mark

Anonymous said...


I will try this again. Just wanted you to know we are thinking about you and praying for you. Christina's class prays for you every day at school. Looking through this site makes me both humbled and proud to be part of such a great family. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Mark, Amy and the kids

Anonymous said...

Dear Pam,
You continue to be in my thoughts... daily... and most of all... I reflect on our conversations...and how you laugh with such sheer pleasure..its wonderful to hear!
I am so proud of you and your close walk with the Lord.
I read somewhere that if you look up...God will be looking down
into your eyes and you can see Him...His smile...Feel His touch and hear His voice. That means He cares for you...more than you do yourself. He will hold you close in times of pain and whisper hope in times of doubt.
Thats why you are at such peace... God is helping you through this process! Awesome!
Love and joy dear friend,
I'm still looking for that CD called Psalm 23/Classical Harpist by Jeff Majors. It just fills your soul !

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam, wanted to briefly talk with you today to let you know you are in thought and prayer, been following the updates,a wonderful way to keep us all informed. Look forward to a visit soon. Love, Sarah

Anonymous said...

Hi Pam,
I hope you had some good rest and that the music from Jeff Majors is all Oprah said it was cracked up to be!
Next time...if your up to it we'll play some cards...just fun stuff...Ok? Gotta keep those brain cells stimulated!
I just read Psalm 31:21...and wanted to share with you..."Blessed is the Lord, for He has shown me that His never failing love protects me like the wall of a fort". Whew... that is so comforting.
Stay warm and toasty and keep your toes covered...OK?
I continue on my knees for you dear friend.
Much love,
PS Your laughter was infectious... when talking to Susan. I could hear you as I was waiting in the hall... it was such a joyful sound..made me...the nurses and patients smile...You are amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pa,ela, Glad you looked so aawesome today. Helen